Golf DFS Optimal Lineup
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  • GPP & Tournaments
  • 2023-08-24: TOUR Championship
  • Full
  • Weekend
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Drive Accuracy is the percentage of fairways hit.

GIR % is the percentage of greens hit in regulation.

Putt Avg is average number of putts per hole.

Strokes Gained Putting refers to number of strokes better or worse than average a player scores per round while putting. Higher (positive) means better than average, lower (negative) means worse than average.

Strokes Gained Tee-to-Green refers to number of strokes better or worse than average a player scores per round while going from the tee to the green (everything but putting). Higher (positive) means better than average, lower (negative) means worse than average.

Strokes Gained Total is strokes gained putting plus strokes gained tee to green.

Hole Proximity Avg is the average distance the ball comes to rest from the hole (in feet) after a player's approach shot.

Scrambling % represents a player's percentage of pars or better after not achieving a green in regulation.

Scoring Avg is the average scoring per round for a player.

Player Proj FP Salary World
Cut %
1st Top 10 Top 25 Drive
GIR % Putt
Per Round
Prox Avg
Scrambling % Score
S. Scheffler Scottie Scheffler G 85.6 $13,000 1 100.00% (22/22) -0.239 2.742 2.502 2 16 20 309.50 62.59 74.47 1.729 4.45 35.25 64.51 68.516 22
R. McIlroy Rory McIlroy G 78.4 $12,800 2 88.24% (15/17) 0.108 2.113 2.220 2 12 12 325.70 53.47 67.96 1.734 4.30 35.92 61.56 68.730 17
J. Rahm Jon Rahm G 73.7 $12,500 3 94.44% (17/18) 0.429 1.441 1.870 4 10 12 313.30 57.92 70.48 1.705 4.52 34.83 62.08 68.920 19
P. Cantlay Patrick Cantlay G 70.3 $12,200 4 90.00% (18/20) 0.368 1.560 1.928 0 9 15 308.00 66.00 69.61 1.724 4.51 36.58 63.44 69.202 20
V. Hovland Viktor Hovland G 72.7 $12,000 5 100.00% (22/22) 0.199 1.336 1.535 2 8 17 307.30 63.41 67.59 1.719 4.37 35.33 61.43 69.249 22
X. Schauffele Xander Schauffele G 65.3 $11,600 6 100.00% (21/21) 0.652 1.104 1.756 0 10 17 302.60 57.96 68.19 1.718 4.16 38.92 63.16 69.225 21
M. Homa Max Homa G 65.8 $11,300 7 82.61% (19/23) 0.646 1.033 1.679 2 11 16 303.30 61.01 66.45 1.699 4.32 37.67 64.12 69.496 23
M. Fitzpatrick Matthew Fitzpatrick G 59.6 $10,100 8 72.73% (16/22) 0.545 0.422 0.966 1 5 10 303.80 56.06 65.30 1.741 3.77 38.75 64.27 70.099 22
B. Harman Brian Harman G 60.8 $8,800 9 69.23% (18/26) 0.435 0.362 0.797 1 7 12 293.50 66.98 67.19 1.745 3.89 35.75 68.13 69.907 26
W. Clark Wyndham Clark G 57.5 $9,800 11 88.89% (24/27) 0.357 0.816 1.174 2 7 13 313.50 54.90 67.52 1.730 4.07 37.67 61.95 69.699 27
J. Spieth Jordan Spieth G 57.4 $10,600 12 71.43% (15/21) 0.102 0.760 0.862 0 7 10 303.10 57.02 64.62 1.746 3.81 38.08 63.05 70.071 21
T. Hatton Tyrrell Hatton G 62.7 $10,400 14 95.00% (19/20) 0.617 1.120 1.737 0 7 12 305.80 59.73 66.37 1.718 4.05 36.75 63.84 69.445 20
T. Fleetwood Tommy Fleetwood G 61.9 $11,100 15 85.00% (17/20) 0.512 1.252 1.763 0 8 12 301.60 61.98 64.29 1.712 3.96 39.00 65.33 69.248 20
J. Kim Joohyung Kim G 62.2 $8,600 16 80.00% (20/25) -0.004 0.899 0.895 1 8 13 296.60 67.63 69.44 1.731 4.09 35.67 60.98 69.904 25
K. Bradley Keegan Bradley G 60.8 $8,000 18 77.27% (17/22) 0.429 0.481 0.909 2 5 9 303.50 59.67 67.19 1.732 4.20 36.75 56.75 70.124 22
T. Finau Tony Finau G 65.0 $8,900 19 82.61% (19/23) -0.114 1.316 1.203 2 5 12 303.70 61.15 69.03 1.753 4.19 35.75 61.66 69.918 23
C. Morikawa Collin Morikawa G 66.7 $10,900 20 73.91% (17/23) -0.072 1.522 1.450 0 5 10 293.70 69.84 70.47 1.749 4.11 34.08 59.28 69.655 23
S. Burns Sam Burns G 56.1 $8,200 22 75.00% (18/24) 0.579 0.190 0.769 1 5 12 310.50 56.77 63.28 1.725 3.83 39.92 61.30 70.311 25
J. Day Jason Day G 54.6 $8,400 23 73.91% (17/23) 0.432 0.630 1.062 1 8 13 303.60 62.10 66.52 1.733 4.05 38.08 65.50 69.901 23
S. Straka Sepp Straka G 52.8 $7,300 24 70.37% (19/27) 0.153 0.291 0.444 1 5 8 298.70 64.82 68.12 1.750 3.84 36.50 55.45 70.670 27
R. Fowler Rickie Fowler G 61.2 $10,000 25 91.67% (22/24) 0.348 1.151 1.499 1 8 17 307.50 58.85 68.31 1.714 4.23 36.83 61.75 69.481 24
S. Im Sungjae Im G 63.2 $9,400 27 79.31% (23/29) 0.226 0.924 1.150 0 9 17 298.30 63.43 66.38 1.743 4.13 36.42 63.86 69.847 29
R. Henley Russell Henley G 66.0 $9,600 28 73.91% (17/23) -0.081 0.987 0.906 1 5 12 290.90 72.22 68.27 1.753 3.88 34.00 64.29 69.822 23
L. Glover Lucas Glover G 62.1 $9,000 30 59.26% (16/27) -0.341 0.847 0.506 2 5 7 294.90 68.10 69.70 1.753 3.93 32.42 63.33 70.838 27
C. Conners Corey Conners G 62.8 $9,300 31 78.26% (18/23) -0.064 1.131 1.067 1 5 14 300.20 61.19 69.37 1.752 3.97 36.33 57.91 70.071 23
E. Grillo Emiliano Grillo G 56.3 $7,500 35 75.00% (21/28) 0.080 0.423 0.503 1 7 11 300.40 61.34 67.96 1.744 3.99 37.17 59.19 70.411 28
S. Kim Si Woo Kim G 58.7 $7,700 38 81.48% (22/27) -0.253 1.139 0.886 1 5 10 296.70 67.87 65.74 1.741 3.88 36.25 63.24 70.107 27
A. Schenk Adam Schenk G 53.7 $7,100 43 62.50% (20/32) 0.360 0.335 0.695 0 6 10 304.90 55.66 66.88 1.785 3.68 37.58 61.98 70.449 32
T. Moore Taylor Moore G 54.0 $7,000 45 65.52% (19/29) 0.442 0.081 0.523 1 4 12 305.30 56.87 64.70 1.776 3.65 37.33 63.45 70.501 29
N. Taylor Nick Taylor G 55.4 $7,000 47 62.96% (17/27) 0.241 0.445 0.686 1 6 12 292.60 59.11 65.43 1.716 4.02 35.92 59.72 70.383 27
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